
Living Rosary Apostolate

Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot, foundress of the ‘Society for the Propagation of the Faith’ in 1822, introduced the Living Rosary in her hometown of Lyons, France. Anna and Jim McInerney introduced the Living Rosary to St. Gregory’s Church in 1980. Begun officially on October 1, 1982, this Apostolate was placed under the auspices of St. Gregory’s CWL in September 1999 at the request of Jim McInerney. Our Living Rosary is not associated with the worldwide devotion and no fees are charged.

​The members of the Living Rosary make a commitment to pray one decade of the rosary a day.
The membership consists of  116 persons, comprising 7 ½ teams. Each team of 15 members is divided into three groups of 5 persons, one of whom acts as captain. Members are encouraged to say the complete rosary every day, if possible, but only one decade is required every day.
Because we believe that “once a member, always a member”, no one will ever be forgotten in our prayers. When a member dies, or a living member requests to be a Prayerful member, they are transferred to Special Membership.
The Apostolate always welcomes new members: men, women, youth and families.​